Family Christmas Celebration
17th Annual Family Christmas Celebration
December 4, 2021
December 4, 2021
Beulah Baptist Church hosts the annual "celebration" for families to come together and build family traditions and enjoy good fellowship, music and crafts. Last year was a great success and all who attended were truly blessed.
We hope you will pray with us that we can once again host this wonderful day and that you, too, can be with us. There is always the possibility that we will not be able to host this event in the future, but we prayerfully ask the Lord to equip us to do so. We invite literally hundreds of people through e-mail, "snail mail" and "sneaker mail" and yet only some come and enjoy this blessing. We are always filled with mixed feelings concerning this; we are saddened that many sister churches are not coming, but rejoice because many "new" people are coming and enjoying the day. We do hope to see you next time.
We know how difficult it is to plan ahead for such a special event as this, but think about it and tell your neighbors. We hope to see you there.
If you would like more information concerning Christmas at Beulah, e-mail our Christmas Coordinator.